Forum on specification & Design Languages



Special Session Papers

We invite proposals for Special Sessions. Special Sessions should focus on a topic of particular interest to the FDL audience. Special Sessions consist of two to four invited talks. Potential organizers of a Special Session must submit a brief proposal (no more than two pages) that describes the topic, the intended audience, and a list of possible speakers to rvh@informatik.uni-kiel.de

Once the special session is approved, speakers are requested to either submit a one-page abstract of their presentation, or to submit a research paper (8 pages) that goes through the regular review and publication process for research papers. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. One-page abstracts will be distributed informally at the conference. Please note that the abstract submissions are not blind, whereas 8-page paper submissions are double-blind, similar to ordinary regular research papers. One full registration to the FDL 2023 conference is required for each special session presenter.

The deadline for special session proposals is March 16, 2023. Submission and paper management deadlines coincide with those of regular papers. Note that only full research papers should be submitted using EasyChair. If presenters choose to submit 1-page abstracts, they should be sent directly to the special session organizer.

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