| Registration |
| Opening Remarks |
Special Session: How do you RISC-V? |
Session 3: Compilation and Optimization |
09:00 |
Session 1: RISC-V Simulation, Verification, and
Optimization |
09:30 |
10:00 |
WiP Session |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break - Posters |
11:00 |
Tutorial 1: Get the Most out of Your Waveforms - From
Non-functional Analysis to Functional Debug via Programs on Waveforms |
Tutorial 2: Formal specification language CAT for weak
memory models and bounded model checking with Dartagnan |
11:30 |
Session 4: Designing, Modeling, and Analyzing
Instructions and Hardware |
12:00 |
Keynote 1: Analog meets digital: how SystemC AMS can help
in the design of gate drivers |
Keynote 2: Design for Quantum Computing:
New Paradigms, new methods, new tools? |
12:30 |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13:30 |
14:00 |
Session 2: Security and Machine Learning on the Edge
Panel Session: The Impact of AI to the Future of
and specification Languages |
Closing Remarks & Best Paper Award |
14:30 |
15:00 |
Moving to social event |
15:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 |
Project Dissemination |
Social event |
16:30 |
17:00 |
Ph.D Forum |
17:30 |
18:00 |
18:30 |
Welcome Reception |
19:00 |
Moving to dinner |
19:30 |
Dinner |
20:00 |
20:30 |
21:00 |