Forum on specification & Design Languages



Project Dissemination Papers

FDL 2023 includes one special session (called "Project Dissemination session") dedicated to innovative and high-tech research projects addressing the topics of the conference. We invite contributions from the following (but not limited to) topics:

  • Projects funded by EU schemes, like HORIZON 2020/EUROPE, RIA, IA, TWINN, EIC, ERC, ECSEL, PENTA, and MSCA;
  • Nationally- and regionally-funded projects;
  • Projects funded by the European Space Agency;
  • Collaborative research projects funded by industry.

The official FDL 2023 Proceedings will include accepted papers corresponding to the Project Dissemination session. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Project coordinators and consortia are invited to submit papers up to eight pages (including references). Each paper shall be explicitly marked as "PROJECT DISSEMINATION SUBMISSION" and can cover projects at any stage (to be clearly stated in the paper):

  • Initial stage: The submissions are expected to present the novelty of the project concept, a concise view of the technical objectives and their relevance;
  • Intermediate stage: The submissions of this type are expected to provide a view of the technical status of the project in terms of achievements, challenges addressed, and open bits until the end of the project;
  • Final stage: The submissions are anticipated to summarize the technical highlights of the project results and provide insights into the lessons learned in the project.

Project dissemination submissions are not blind, and the authors are required to specify the title, the type (e.g., funding scheme), and the stage of the project. As a rule of thumb, the papers in this category are expected to be significantly more than "project flyers" with the work plan management structure but less than specific techniques that can be submitted as regular papers to the main technical tracks of FDL 2023. The focus can be, for example, on the added value coming from the collaboration with other partners or the specific challenges and the expected impact for industrial projects. The submissions will be peer-reviewed and selected based on technical content, innovation, and originality. The accepted papers will be presented at the 2023 event, published in the conference proceedings, and indexed by the databases. One full registration to the FDL 2023 conference is required for each accepted paper. Submission and paper management deadlines coincide with those of regular papers.

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