FDL 2019

Forum on specification & Design Languages

@Southampton, United Kingdom
September 2-4, 2019

@Southampton, United Kingdom


If you have any questions about conference registration, open by June 28, please contact either the General Chair, Prof. Tom J Kazmierski (tjk@ecs.soton.ac.uk), or the Finance Chair, prof. Franco Fummi (franco.fummi@univr.it).
For registration, please visit our secure registration site. The registration rates and deadlines are listed in the table below.

Early Registration (before July 31) Late Registration (after July 31)
IFIP/IEEE members 450.00 € 540.00 €
Non members 500.00 € 600.00 €
Students 375.00 € 450.00 €
One day registration 200.00 € 250.00 €
Accommodation for 1-2 September 70.00 € --
Accommodation for 2-4 September 140.00 € --
Accommodation for 4-5 September 70.00 € --
1 additional social event ticket 100.00 € 100.00 €
1 additional lunch ticket 50.00 € 50.00 €

Full conference registration includes lunches, coffee breaks, welcome reception on Monday night and social event on Tuesday night.
Furthermore, all accommodations include breakfast and accommodation for 2-4 September includes also dinner on Monday night.

FDL 2019 is in Southampton, United Kingdom