You can view or download the call for papers here (PDF)
We welcome authors to submit manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:
Language- and Formalism-Based Design Methodologies
This track seeks novel research contributions that employ languages and formalisms in the design, test, verification, and simulation of modern day electronic systems. These contributions may consist of (but are not limited to) the use of requirements and property specifications, models of computations, automata, networks, model and component-based design, platform modeling and abstraction, and system-level design languages, including synchronous languages and formalisms for the emerging quantum computing. Moreover, we encourage contributions on the design of new and disruptive languages.
Techniques for Modern Architectures and Applications
This track seeks research contributions demonstrating effective techniques for system design involving modern approaches such as machine learning and its verification, as well as modern computing architectures such as energy-efficient computing, accelerators including GPUs and FPGAs, and IoT applications for the design and verification of electronic systems. Examples may include (but are not limited to) parallel simulation, compilers with support for multi/many-core and heterogeneous architectures, high-level hardware and software synthesis, virtual prototyping, and design space exploration.
Tools, Flows and Industry-Relevant Applications
This track solicits contributions that present authors' experiences in designing applications that are relevant to electronic systems industries. The contributions should focus on applications that identify valuable design, test, simulation and verification practices for applications of the future. The contributions may also demonstrate effective use of tools for successfully developing industry-relevant applications.
Important Deadlines
- Special Sessions: Mar 24, 2018
- Abstract Deadline: Apr 21, 2018 May 6, 2018
- Paper Deadline: Apr 28, 2018, May 13, 2018
- Other Contributions: May 26, 2018
- Author Notification: Jun 26, 2018, July 3, 2018
- Final Version: Jul 21, 2018, July 29, 2018
Authors should submit papers in double column, IEEE format as PDF through the submission system. A full research paper must be a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 8 pages. Other contributions shall not exceed 2-4 pages. Submitted papers must be anonymous (double blind), must describe original unpublished work, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Publications (of accepted papers)
Conference proceedings will be published in electronic form with an ISSN and an ISBN number and made available on IEEE Xplore. In addition, an edited collection of extended versions of selected best papers will be published as a book by Springer. Accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors. A full registration for each paper is required prior to the camera ready papers deadline.