FDL 2018

Forum on specification & Design Languages

@Munich, Germany
September 10-12, 2018

@Munich, Germany


For registration, please visit our secure registration site. The registration rates and deadlines are listed in the table below. If you have any questions about conference registration, please contact either the General Chair, Prof. Hiren Patel (hiren.patel@uwaterloo.ca), or the Finance Chair, prof. Graziano Pravadelli (graziano.pravadelli@univr.it).

Early Registration (before July 31) Late Registration (after July 31)
IFIP/IEEE members 450.00 € 540.00 €
Non members 500.00 € 600.00 €
Students 375.00 € 450.00 €
One day registration 150.00 € 180.00 €
1 additional social event ticket 100.00 € 100.00 €
1 additional lunch ticket 50.00 € 50.00 €

FDL 2018 is in Munich, Germany