Computers intervene in critical aspects of our life related to mobility (transportation), manufacturing, and health among others. AI-software already controls functionalities or services with humans in the loop so any misbehavior can cause irreparable environmental damages, economic loss, harm to people and even fatalities. These risks are managed by making the software and the computing hardware of cyber-physical systems (CPS) to inherit part of the safety requirements imposed on the overall system by safety standards. The increased connectivity and data collection performed by CPS also brings security concerns. These metrics compound other standard metrics to optimize in CPS like computing performance, energy consumption, and programmability. Addressing all these challenges require going beyond silo research and propose whole-stack transformational changes, including AI algorithms (e.g. to increase explainability of AI), safety standards (e.g. to adapt to the specific characteristics of AI), hardware design (e.g. to provide guaranteed performance while adhering to safety, security requirements), software (to easy programmability).
Professionals are invited to submit proposals for Special Sessions. Special Sessions should focus on a topic which is of particular interest to the FDL audience. Special Sessions consist of two to four invited talks. Speakers are requested to either submit a one page abstract of their presentation, or to submit a short or full paper that goes through the regular review and publication process. Potential organizers of a Special Session must submit a brief proposal (no more than two pages) which describes the topic, the intended audience, as well as a list of possible speakers to