

Forum on specification & Design Languages



COVID-19 update: The conference will be held as a hybrid event with physical participation integrated with online content. If you would like to take the opportunity to attend a physical conference, please note that current France rules need the possession of the COVID-19EU digital certificate (Digital green certificate) to enter, for example, restaurants. Thus, try to have it by the beginning of the conference to exploit all opportunities of the conference program.

FDL is a well-established international forum to exchange experiences and promote new trends in the application of languages, their associated design methods, and tools for the design of electronic systems. FDL stimulates scientific and controversial discussions within and in-between scientific topics as described below.

The program structure includes research working sessions, embedded tutorials, panels, and technical discussions. The forum includes tutorials and fringe meetings, such as user group or standardization meetings. “Wild and Crazy Ideas” and work in progress are also welcome.

Electronic systems of interest to FDL include (but are not limited to) those that are used in internet-of-things (IoT), cyber-physical systems (CPS), mixed criticality embedded systems, embedded systems for high-performance computing, automatic driving and driver assistance, real-time systems, reconfigurable and secure computing.

FDL 2021 Selected Photos

Organizing Committee

How is it going!!

FDL is in ,